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Classification of Amoebozoa Phylum Classification
Takashi Nakada
27 February 2012
Kingdom Phylum Subphylum Infraphylum Class Subclass Order
Amoebobiota Amoebozoa Lobosa Tubulinea Euamoebida
Discosea Flabellinia Dactylopodida
Longamoebia Dermamoebida
Conosa Archamoebae Archamoebea Pelobiontida
Mycetozoa Protosteliomycetes Protosteliales
Dictyosteliomycetes Dictyosteliales
Myxomycetes Echinosteliales
Incertae sedis Echinosteliopsidales
Unnamed Variosea Varipodida
Protamoebae Breviatea Breviatida


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