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Classification of Cryptobiontes Phylum Classification
Takashi Nakada
22 November 2008
Kingdom Phylum Class Order
Cryptobiontes Kathablepharida Kathablepharidea Kathablepharidida
Cryptophyta Goniomonadea Goniomonadida
Cryptophyceae Cryptomonadales


Clay, B. L., Kugrens, P. & Lee, R. E. A revised classification of Cryptophyta. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 131, 131-151 (1999).

Okamoto, N. & Inouye, I. The katablepharids are a distant sister group of the Cryptophyta: A proposal for Katablepharidophyta divisio nova/ Katablepharida phylum novum based on SSU rDNA and beta-tubulin phylogeny. Protist 156, 163-179 (2005).