Fictions, Poetry, Essays, Translations, and others


<Three lovely notes he whistled , too soft to be heard
If others sang; but others never sang
In the great beech-woood all that May and June.
No one saw him: I alone could hear him
Though many listened. Was it but four years
Ago? or Five? He never came again.

Oftenest when I heard him I was alone.
Nor could I ever make another hear.
La-la-la! he called, seeming far-off―
As if a cock crowed past the edge of the world.
As if the bird or I were in a dream.
Yet that he travelled through the trees and sometimes
Neared me, was plain, though somehow distant still
He sounded. All the proof is − I told men
What I had heard.

   I never knew a voice,
Man, beast, or bird, better than this, I told
The Naturalists; but neither had they heard
Anything like the notes that did so haunt me.
I had them clear by heart and have them still.
Four years or five, have made no difference. Then
As now that La-la-la! was bodiless sweet:
Sad more than joyfull it was, if I must say
That it was one or other, but if sad
'Twas sad only with joy too, too far off
For me to taste it. But I cannot tell
If truly never anything but fair
The days were when he sang, as now they seem.
This surely I know, that I who listend then,
Happy sometimes, sometimes suffering
A heavy body and a heavy heart
Now straightway, if I think of it, become
Light as that bird wandering beyond my shore...>

  ――Edward Thomas: The Unknown Bird

                      to the previous mottoes

 These literary pages (Bungakukan) are deeply colored by the individual literary taste of a webmaster. But he hopes that visiters may find pleasure and sympathy in these pages according to their own tastes.

 To Japanese home page


"The Castle of Translations” of European literature into Japanese (Honyakujou)

Ambrose Bierce : Various Ghost Stories
: Visions of The Night
Adelbert von Chamisso : Peter Schlemihls wundesame Geschichte
Max Dauthendey : Sonniger Himmel und Brise von Awazu
Die Brueder Grimm : Das Lumpengesindel und Maerchen von einem ,der auszog, das Fuerchten zu lernen
Wilhelm Hauff : Der Junge Englaender
         : Die Geschichte vom Gespensterschiff
Nathaniel Hawthorne : The Haunted Mind
              : Night Sketches - Beneath an Umbrella -
Lafcadio Hearn : A Mad Romantic
: The Devil's Carbuncle and Other Stories (from Fantastics)
          : The Gipsy's Story
: Levitation
: Nightmare-Touch
          : Vespertina Cognitio
Richard Jefferies : The Story of My Heart (in parts)
Nikolaus Lenau : Der truebe Wandrer und andere Lyrik
Jonas Lie : Das Seegespenst
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow et al : The Rainy Day and Other Melancholic Poems
Edgar Allan Poe : The Island of the Fay
           : Dreamland and other poems
           : The Man of the Crowd
Robert Louis Stevenson : The Pavilion on the Links
Jakob van Hoddis : Doktor Hackers Ende und Andere Gedichte
Richard von Volkmann-Leander : Die Alte-weiber-Muehle und andere Maerchen
      : Das kleine bucklige Maedchen und Goldtoechterchen
      : Vom unsichtbaren Koenigreiche
      : Heino im Sumpf
      : Eine Kindergeschichte und Der Kleine Vogel
      : Der kleine Mohr und die Goldprinzessin

 *Letters from Honyakujou*

The Salon in the Uranoborg : A Meta-literary Salon

1.Intoroduction : The Salon in the castle of Uranoborg-- Count Marinenko awakes from the long sleep.
2.Baron Night : The Ballad of a Mirror Dweller
3.Mr Kaimela's Lectures on Heroic Poetry (1)The Epic of Gilgamesh
4.The Recluse upon a Tree told by Aflala
5.The Amangu--A Southsea legend of a youth who hunted a rainbow and submitted his life--retold by Nathaniel
6.The Moon Farm -- told through the mediumistic mouth of Bullflora by a spirit
7. Mogul's Fables--Mr.Mogul tells didactic stories.
8. Kosmisches Intermezzo: The End of The Word composed and recited by Baron Night
9. Mr.Kaimela's Lectures on Heroic Poetry (4) Edda
10. Journey to the Decanschon1 by an unknown author
11. Journey to the Decanschon 2
12. Journey to the Decanschon 3
13. Journey to the Decanschon 4

  (1) Neropolis, Poems by Baron Night
  (2) Mr Kaimela's Lectures on Heroic Poetry (2) Homer
  (3) Mr Kaimela's Lectures on Heroic Poetry (3) Beowulf
(5) Mr Kaimela's Lectures on Heroic Poetry (5) Yukar
  (6) Mr Kaimela's Lectures on Heroic Poetry (6) La Chanson de Roland

Baron Night's Guestroom

 The first night :The House among the Winds by Howard Croft
 The second night : The School of Time by Howard Croft
 The third night : The Queer Man by Howard Croft
 The fourth night : The Park by Howard Croft
 The fifth night : To Cross the Bridge by Howard Croft
 The sixth night : Crepusculum, a Dream Quest by Aflala
 The seventh night : Neropolis U The Second Poems by Baron Night
 The eighth night : Anschauungen--prose poems by Baron Night
 The ninth night : A Journey to the Center of Night (1) by Howard Croft
 The tenth night : A Journey to the Center of Night (2) by Howard Croft
 The eleventh night : A Journey to the Center of Night (3.4)by H.Croft
 The twelveth night : A Journey to the Center of Night (5,6)by H.Croft
 The thirteenth night : The Dream Diary of Mr. Shima Ujiie (1) by Seito Muyu
 The fourteenth night : The Dream Diary of Mr. Shima Ujiie (2) by Seito Muyu
 The fifteenth night : Minimum Poetry The Seven-Mile Boots by Howard Croft
 The sixteenth night : Minimum Poetry The Platonic Ideal of the Ocean by Howard Croft

Nekolog (Diary on sundry topics )

Webmaster's Room
: :introducing main persons
 : A life of a Visionary

2004.11.17 : This literary site started.
2006.8.20 : This English home page opened.
2009.10.22 : This site was renamed Marinenkobungakukan

Shuh Kai