Part 4. Tactics against Various Rubberers (Service)

4.5. The Receive Zone and the Ball Spin

While thinking about the "Services Aiming the table off" and "Measures to the Left-handed", I noticed about the receiving zone of opponents and its spin, and summarized this. Using this technique, you will be able to manipulate the "Services aiming the table off" further variety.

The spin-direction which the opponent receives is determined by the ball kind that you distributed to the receiving zones. So, you need to supply the service aiming table-off.

The receive zone can be roughly divided into four. In the case of right-handed is shown in Figures.

  1. The tip of the elbow joint is called "Fore".
  2. The elbow joint coming from the center of the body is called "Middle-fore".
  3. The elbow joint coming from the center of the body is called "Middle-back".
  4. The tip of the elbow joint is called "Back".

4.5.1. In the case of handshake

The opponent using a handshake makes a swing that gives the next spin in each receive zone.

The Receive Zone and Spin by the Handsake

Since receiving at the fore is rubbing forward from the ball's left-side with lowering the racket head, the ball will be given the Curve.

Since receiving at the middle-fore is rubbing toward the center from the ball's left-side with raising the racket head, the ball will be given the Shoot.

Since receiving at the middle-back is rubbing toward the center from the ball's right-side with raising the racket head, the ball will be given the Curve.

Since receiving at the back is rubbing forward from the ball's right-side with lowering the racket head, the ball will be given the Shoot.

The spin of the service you give will be the spin in the same direction as the rotation given by the opponent, or the spin that the axis of the ball will stand up due to the rotation given by the opponent. If the opponent corrects it, give the opposite spin and attack.


4.5.2. In the case of penholder

The opponent using a penfolder makes a swing that gives the next spin in each receive zone.

The Receive Zone and Spin by the Penholder

Since the foreside receive loweres the racket head and it rubs the ball from the left side to the forward with the front side of the racket, it gives the ball a Curve (R).

Since the middle-fore side receive loweres the racket head and it rubs the ball from the left side to the foward with the front side of the racket, it gives the ball a Curve (R).

Since the middle-back side receive loweres the racket head, and it rubs the ball from the right side to the forward with the back side of the racket, it gives the ball a Shoot (L).

Since the back side receive loweres the racket head, and it rubs the ball from the right side to the forward with the back side of the racket, it gives the ball a Shoot (L).

The spin of the service you give will be the spin in the same direction as the rotation given by the opponent, or the spin that the axis of the ball will stand up due to the rotation given by the opponent. If the opponent corrects it, give the opposite spin and attack.
