If the rally skills with the opponent are the same, the superiority or inferiority of the service with the opponent decides the game. Here, considered the service with vectors and constructed as a tactic, and the knowledge and technicques essential for the service are described.

4.1. Observe the Opponent★★★
There are two important points to observe. The one is how to focus your eyes on the object. The other point is to remember how far the opponent is away from a fixed point such as the center line on the table, to read and understand the changing intention of the opponent.。

4.2. The Racket Approach in Service★★★
The racket approach is the process of pulling the racket backward before throwing the ball at the service. There are two types of service swings: "the swing with no racket approach" and "the swing with the racket approach". With racket approach makes you a margin of time to empower to the ball while it can also widely apply to many kind of service.

4.3 The Course and Strength of Service★★★
The flight distance of the ball is adjusted by the radius of swing in the direction of travel. However, for spin, in order to give the same spin velocity for both long and short balls, the swing direction of the rubbing swing, that is, the swing radius in the direction perpendicular to the flight direction of the ball must be equal.

4.4 Services Aiming the Table Off★★★
There are two ways to spin the serve aiming for table out. A method of extending the flight distance of a hit ball by giving a serve spin so that the spin axis is standed up by the opponent's swing and it becomes a side spin. The other is to give the ball a spin in the same direction as the opponent's swing, eliminate the contribution of the force to the spin, and extend the flight distance with that force.

4.5, The Receive Zone and the Ball Spin ★★★
The spin-direction which the opponent receives is determined by the ball kind that you distributed to the receiving zones. So, you need to supply the service aiming table-off.
The receive zone can be roughly divided into four.

4.6. Bird's-eye View of the Whole Service (Shakehand grip)★★★
The ideal serve is a serve that assumes a third ball attack against the opponent, and if the opponent carelessly hits the ball, the ball goes off the table or gets caught in the net, so the opponent cannot help but connect. And many such serve balls exist on the entire court.

4.7 Bird's-eye View of the Whole Service (Penhold grip)★★★
It's a bit harsh to think about the pen-folder by myself while explaining the shake-hand, so I decided to explain it. You have a lot of other things to think about.

4.8 Bachspin Service Lunch Angle★★★
To make the falling ball rotate at the fastest backspin, swing the racket down at 45° while applying horizontal pressure at the waist to minimize the slip between the racket and the ball. It is important to have a long contact time with the ball and roll it while accelerating of spin.
