Part 7. Study and Solutions

7.1. Tactic Diagram by Vector

In the tactical chart handled here, the rotation of a ball is represented by spin vectors. because it would be too complicated by the previous expression style to think of complicated problems.

How to read the diagram

  1. The number in a circle frame indicates the hitting order.
  2. The number in a square frame indicates the trajectory order.
  3. Vectors have each English initial letter to indicate the spin direction. Since we cannot draw three-dimensional spins in a two-dimensional figure, we are to get the image of a spin in the three dimention by using the initial letters. Knuckles are indicated by K, and are indicated by dots in the figure.
  4. A red vector is the spin imparting to the ball with a racket by you. A green one is a spin towards "you → the opponent". As a result of adding the red vector to the black one, it turns into a green one and returns to the opponent.
  5. A orange vector is the spin imparting to the ball with a racket by the opponent. A black one is a spin towards "the opponent → your". As a result of adding the orange vector to the green one, it turns into a black one and returns to you.

Concrete example < The Tactic to Draw a Triangle on a Wall against LongPips >

the Tactic to draw a triangle on a wall against LongPips

①. Make a service by Curve⋅Drive (RT).
Against your service of Curve⋅Drive (RT) on the trajectory-1, since the opponent of Long-Pips receives it by Knuckle (K), the spin on the trajectory-2 returns with keeping the Curve⋅Drive (RT) .

③. Make a offensive return by Shoot⋅Drive (LT).
Imparting the spin by Shoot⋅Drive to the Curve⋅Drive (RT) on the trajectory-2, it becomes Drive (T) on the trajectory-3 and returns to the opponent.

⑤. Make a defensive return by Cut (B) or juggling.
The spin on the trajectory-4 from the opponent returns as a ΘCut (ΘB). If you return it by Cut (B) or juggling, it will be a Knuckle (K) on the trajectory-5. Providing the opponent could receive well, it will return to the state of the hitting point-1, from the trajectory-6.
